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Blockchain Nights at Humboldt Universität zu Berlin [Homepage]

- co-organized since early 2018-2022


The event series "Blockchain Nights" is held at the Weizenbaum Institute in cooperation with various chairs of the Humboldt University. The goal is the professional exchange on cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology between business and academia. Events in the last two years included "#BCN015: Security of Smart Contract Platforms", "#BCN014: Exploring Blockchain Solutions to Fund Scientific Research", "#BCN013: Stocks, Bonds and Real Estate - Security Tokens as Application Case", and "#BCN012: Blockchain Technology - Fostering Self-Determination and Autonomy?" with a total of 20 speakers and nearly 400 audience registrations.

Project partners: Humboldt University Berlin (Institute for Applied Computer Science, Institute for Information Systems, Institute for Macroeconomics, LvB Chair for Statistics).


The project is currently looking for a new owner. Please contact me, if interested.

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