On cryptocurrency exchange rates and approaches to their stabilization [Paper] - Dissertation, 2023
Cryptoasset ecosystem in Latin America and the Caribbean [Study] - Study, 2021(with Roman Proskalovich (Lead Author), Christopher Jack, Alex Zarifis, Diego Serralde, Polina Vershinina, Santhiran Naidoo, Damaris Njoki, Diego Herrera, Jaime Sarmiento)
Cryptocurrency as a medium of exchange and speculative asset [Paper] (with A. Almosova & H. Elendner)
- Working Paper, 2021
On Stablecoin Price Processes and Arbitrage [Paper]
- Financial Cryptography and Data Security - Decentralized Finance Workshop, 2021
Cryptocurrencies [Paper] (with B. Scott)
- Internet Policy Review - Journal of Internet Regulation, 2021
Cryptocurrencies and the Velocity of Money [Paper][Code] (with G. Gentzen & H. Elendner)
- Cryptoeconomic Systems Journal (CEJ), 2021
The State of Tezos Staking [Blog-Post] (with A. Eichhorn & S. Oliver)
-, 2020
Contested expertise in the case of a new technology: an exploratory study of the online consultation on the German government's blockchain strategy [Paper] (with M. Becker, S. Henningsen)
Weizenbaum Series, 2020
Monetary Stabilization in Cryptocurrencies – Design Approaches and Open Questions [Paper] (with S. Henningsen, R. Proskalovich, M. Florian, H. Elendner, B. Scheuermann)
- IEEE Crypto Valley Conference on Blockchain Technology, 2019
Cryptocurrency as a medium of exchange and speculative asset
- 3rd Berlin Conference on Cryptocurrencies in a Digital Economy (CCC3/ CCConf 2021), Berlin, 2021
Kryptowährung. Blockchain. Was ist Hype und was bleibt?
- with Sebastian Henningsen, Berlin-Brandenburg Transfer Week, Remote, 2021
Cryptocurrency as a medium of exchange and speculative asset
- Invited talk in the delegation program of the Salvadorean Embassy, Universidad Francisco Gavidia, El Salvador, 2021
Cryptocurrency as a medium of exchange and speculative asset
- Workshop: Cryptocurrency – Markets and Pricing, Weizenbaum Institute, 2021
Cryptocurrencies: from heritage to current topics and designs
- Innovation and Technology Club, Remote, 2021
Cryptocurrency as a medium of exchange and speculative asset
- Brownbag Series – Humboldt University of Berlin, 2021
On Stablecoin Arbitrage
- Financial Cryptography and Data Security - Decentralized Finance Workshop, Remote (2021)
Cryptocurrencies and the Velocity of Money [Video]
- Cryptoeconomic Systems Conference, Boston - US, 2020
Cryptocurrencies and the Velocity of Money
- 4th ForDigital Blockchain Workshop, Karlsruhe - Germany, 2020
Monetary Stabilization in Cryptocurrencies – Design Approaches and Open Questions (with S. Henningsen)
- Cryptvalley Conference, Zug - Switzerland, 2019
Understanding Cryptocurrency Stabilization - Approaches, Promises, Risks
- 3rd ForDigital Blockchain Workshop, Karlsruhe - Germany, 2019
Stablecoins: In 5 minutes from Buzz to Structure
- 2nd Berlin Conference on Crypto-Currencies in a Digital Economy, Berlin - Germany, 2018